How would you describe your sound?
In the most in-depth way I can explain, from my own perspective as well as third person, it’s an illusive, melodic trap, very auto-tune driven sound; the type to always set a mood no matter the track. Throughout the next couple of singles you’ll hear different variations of my style, flow and cadence, but when it comes to the big projects that’s when you’ll get more of a cohesive sound from top to bottom. Carousel (an upcoming EP) will show the more fun/uproarious side of my music whereas a soon to be announced mixtape will show the darker more outlandish and unkempt style of my music, that’s where you’ll truely get a grasp of what “Perry P” is capable of sonically and lyrically. But so far I think my sound is something that is unique to this city, as far as I’ve heard and been told I’m the only person who sounds like me amongst other artists here which is nice to hear – just know you’ll always be able to distinguish me from other rappers when you here that, “OH MY”!

What influences your music?
I’m influenced by many different things, art, nature, movies or just myself you know, but mainly other musicians across all genres. Though I feel like when it comes to my predecessors in the rap game it’s not hard to tell which artist’s influence me most, like you’re able to compare me to specific people and draw similar comparisons between the two. I study Kendrick and Travis a lot, as well as Schoolboy Q, Don Toliver and Drake just to name a few. Like these guys I pride myself on being versatile too, so throughout my career you’re gonna hear all kinds of different music from me, always gotta come up with something different and keep listeners entertained.
What does your creative process entail?
I’d say my creative process hasn’t changed even during the pandemic, if anything while we were locked inside our homes not being able to go anywhere it gave me way more time to get creative, write more and jot ideas down since I had so much time on my hands. Making songs, I sit on an instrumental for however long until an idea comes to mind where I can branch off, that could be as soon as I hear it could take days or even months. I find myself coming up with melodies, then I structure everything and put words into those melodies. Overall it’s a very calculated kind of approach, not like where others hop in the booth and freestyle off the head – I’m still working towards that. At all times I’ve gotta be in room where there’s words, either on posters, screens or even little toys and objects, I draw a lot of thought from that if the beat hasn’t inspired me enough already. I’m also blessed and cursed with being a perfectionist, meaning I’m very critical and precise so you’ll always get the best quality music from me, but the downside is that I take my sweet time, I’ll be fine not putting out a single for years as long as when I do it’s of the highest standard.

How did you hear about Artisan Music?
In the planning stages back in 2019 I was on the hunt to find a quality yet affordable studio to work and record in. I came across many different studios, and it took a lot of time and searching but a website link directed me to Artisan’s home page. From there I emailed Pat and became familiar with him and his work. After talking to him it only seemed right to get a session in and see what vibes the studio and company would give me, man it was nice.
How was your time working in the studio?
My time working in the studio with Pat and Simon was vibes man. The first time I walked through those doors it felt like I was home, gave me a warm feeling of, yeah you’re supposed to be here type thing you know. Those guys made me feel welcome as can be, me and the homies had all kinds of dominoes rolling through the door the first day while we were recording so as far as first experience it’s safe to say it was one to remember for sure. I think the reason this studio will always be a place I return to is because it’s where I recorded Starr Alpha, my first track. It’s a track that took so much time to perfect but has all the potential in the world, even more so with the music video that just dropped for it too. That was also recorded at the time where COVID-19 had just come about and things were going crazy so the whole timing of everything was just like, woah. Eventually everything calmed down so we were back in full swing, recording tracks on tracks that I can’t wait to release, but until then it’s back to behind the scenes business.
“Hopefully soon we’ll collect some plaques to bring back to the studio we started off at.”
– Perry P