We understand how important it is to have the right music producer… In this age of the “music producer/artist”, it can be a bit of a minefield. Now more than ever it seems that “the producer” has become more concerned about their commercial success, rather than your work. This can lead to your song, EP, or album turning out nothing like what you were hoping for. In response, we have put together a few helpful tips that all musicians should think about, when shopping around for the right music producer…
- To be onboard with your vision
- Understand your musical references/style/genre
- Run sessions in an organised and efficient manner
- Advice you, with the vision’s best interests at heart
- Be knowledgable on sound and the process
- To be open to criticism and experimentation
- Provide a quality product that is true to your sound
But how does one go about checking through all these boxes? We recommend getting to know the person before choosing!
The music producer and artist relationship is like any another… You have to find common ground in order to build a good, close relationship. Fortunately for you, you have music to talk about! Sitting down and chatting over music is a great opportunity to share your musical inspirations and references, helping them get a better idea of the sound you’re looking for. You might find that you both share the same love for a particular genre? Or maybe you have completely different music tastes, and they might not be the right fit? Whatever the outcome… Having an initial casual conversation about music will give you a pretty good idea of the person, whether you could work well with them, their music taste and whether they understand what you want your music to sound like.
The point of a producer is to navigate an artist through the recording project, guiding their sound and bringing their vision to life. Being successful at this job comes with experience! The producer is there to direct you though the process, which for most new recording artists’s, may seems daunting… Having a producer who has experience, gives you that peace of mind. This isn’t their first rodeo!
When having a chat with your producer to be, make sure to ask what they have worked on previously. This will give you an idea of the level of their skill. If you’re paying for a product, you want to make sure it’s quality! Listen through their portfolio. You’ll be placing your trust in them, so don’t be afraid to ask to hear previous work. They should be only too happy to show you.
Some producers have studio spaces, some don’t. Depending on your situation, this may be a big deciding factor. The benefit of having a producer with studio space means that you’re more open to working freely, rather than having to rent out studio space. You can work whatever hours you decide on and the producer has the comfort of using his own equipment/gear. There is more potential for experimentation with a studio.
The most crucial step in all of this is making sure you have a clear line of communication with your producer. You want to make sure that you are both on-board with the same vision and they share your enthusiasm. The initial meeting with your music producer candidates will be the first test. It might be of value for you to spend some time before the meeting, writing down your vision for the recording project, as an aid to help you communicate your goal.
Communication is essential! We have so much more to say, so we expanded in another article… How to: Effectively Communicate with Your Producer!
Before I wrap this all up in a pretty bow, I want to reinforce how important it is to:
- Have a big chat!
- Establish a good working and personal relationship
- Share music with one another
- Listen through their previous work
- Talk about the process and what it entails
- Think about the benefits of a studio space vs a bedroom or rented space
- Don’t be scared to say what you think!
- Communicate openly
- Be open to criticism and experimentation (both, you and your producer!)
Thinking about jumping in the studio? Well, we offer music production services… No matter what musical style you’re into, our in-house producers are well versed in many musical genres and have the skills and know-how to take your music to the next level.
Interested? Make sure to book in a FREE pre-production meeting with our producers HERE! For more information about our pre-production meetings, be sure to read our article How to: Take Advantage of our FREE Pre-Production Meetings!