The Studio
Designed for facilitating larger recording sessions. The Platinum Studio features some of the industry’s finest outboard gear, and includes up to 26 simultaneous inputs, all ready to perfectly capture and mix your next hit!
This spacious studio also features two isolation booths for vocalists or instrumentalists needing extra separation during larger live recording sessions.
Studio Equipment & Inclusions
Apple iMac Pro 2.5 GHz 14 core Intel Xeon W 32 GB RAM
Logic Pro X
DSP Quattro
Controller Console
Solid State Logic UF1, Solid State Logic UF8 (x2)
RME Fireface UFX+
Headphone System
Behringer P16-I
AMS NEVE 1073 dual mic preamp and equaliser
Focusrite RED 8 – dual mic preamp
Universal Audio 6176 (610 MIC PRE & 1176 compressor)
Focusrite platinum tone factory mic preamp channel
Digitech VTP-1 dual valve mic preamp
RME Fireface UFX+ audio interface with 4 mic preamps
1 x RME Octamic XTC 8 mic preamps
1 x focusrite Octopre 8 mic preamps
Stereo System (LR)
Halfer TRM 8
Yamaha NS10M
Hafler TRM 6 (in production area)
Hafler 315W Subwoofer
Dolby Atmos System (7.1.4)
Dynaudio Audience 112
Dynaudio Audience C120+
Dynaudio Audience 42W
Dynaudio BM5A
NAD 801MM 15-75W
Energy ES8 100W Subwoofer
Logic Pro
Metric Halo
Native Instruments – Komplete 12
Plugin Alliance
Vocalign Pro
Korg M3 workstation
Fender Rhodes 88
Hammond M3 Organ
Wurlitzer Electric Piano
Fender telecaster deluxe electric guitar
Heritage P140 boutique Les Paul
Yamaha RGZ212 electric guitar
Cole Clark FL1 ac acoustic guitar
Yamaha BB1500A active bass guitar
Recording king steel resonator
The Foundry Recording Space

Free Studio Tour & Engineer Direction
If our website doesn’t entice you enough… We offer FREE studio tours and pre-production meetings to help you get the most out of your project.